Monday, January 28, 2008


Karis is getting big, big, big. As of her eight week doctor appointment she is over 12 pounds and 22.8 inches long. She still hasn't figured out that we sleep at night and stay awake during the day...but some nights are better than others.

Tonight is not one of the good nights.

She sleeps well, I just need to get her to sleep well during the night on a regular basis. I'm not complaining, though. She is still a very easy baby, and she is only two months old as of January 27th.

One of the best things that has been happening for the last few weeks is her big, toothless grin.

This is one of her first smiles that I actually got on camera.

This was the first day that we sat in the bouncy chair - she was excited about that...for about ten minutes.

Sitting on Dad's lap always brings a big smile.

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