Wednesday, December 03, 2008

One Year Old

We had a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. My nephew is doing great in his first semester down at Texas A&M, Tracy's parents were able to come down and help us celebrate Thanksgiving, and Karis turned one on Thanksgiving Day this year (please note it loaded these pictures in if you want correct time progression you have to start from the bottom):

This is How it Works
The next morning big brothers were still making sure little sister knew how things worked. She has that look on her face like she is saying, "Can you please tell them that I know how to do it?" Get used to it, Karis. I don't think it's going to change.
Lots of Help
A few presents later things were still progressing slowly, so second big brother Chase decided to help out as well. I don't think we have to worry about big brothers watching out for little sister.

First Birthday Gift
Like all one-year-olds, Karis was a bit slow going on ripping into her first present. This would explain why big brother Ryan is on the way to help teach her how.

Birthday Cupcakes
I always do cupcakes for the kids' first birthday - it is easier for them to handle when they are eating. Karis could have cared less about her cupcakes. She was too excited about the fact that she was getting to crawl around the kitchen table (with Grandparents stationed at each side). FYI - Ryan made the banner behind Karis all by himself.

Our Famous Birthday Girl
We emailed Karis' picture into KPTV for their first birthdays announcement, then we tivo'd it so we could freeze the frame and look at it through out the day. I have no clue why but I was so excited to see her picture on t.v.! Isn't that funny how you get all excited when you see someone you know on tv (that is for good reasons...), especially your family? Like when they come out to Canby High for some high school football footage and we scan the crowd to see if there are any people that we know on tv.

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