After mom got all of our clothes on we got to go outside. I wasn't so keen on the big white flakes hitting my face at first. Those things are cold! After a while, though, I realized that they didn't stay there for long so I let Mom carry me out to the little barn so I could get some toys to play with (I was having a bit of trouble trying to walk with all my winter garb on).
Ryan first tried to drive his John Deere around the yard. This proved to be unsuccessful and he ended up pushing it more than riding it. Mom must of thought this was funny because all she could do was laugh.
I decided to do a little snow golfing. I told Mom that I couldn't grip my clubs with my gloves on. She argued with me, something about it being too cold. Whatever, Mom. I finally won, though, as I have mastered the fine art of crying until I get my own way.
I soon found out that it is pretty easy to lose your ball in this snow I just decided to start mashing the snow until I could find my ball. Come to find out mashing snow is more fun than snow golfing anyways.
Mom tried to teach us how to roll big snowballs around on the ground in order to make snow people. She made a Ryan, a Chase, and a Karis snowman. I didn't want to hurt Mom's feelings so I didn't tell her that they didn't look all that much like us.
Overall, I like this snow stuff, but I really don't like gloves. Mom finally made me come in because I wouldn't wear my gloves and my hands were turning red. I think Mom might be catching on to the whole crying-to-get-what-you-want thing, though, because I cried as hard as I could and she still made me come in and take a nap.
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