Then for a brief moment, I lose my mind. I don't know exactly what happened, perhaps I just left it in the car with my purse, but I said, "Well, we weren't going to get a new dog until next year, but if you can't find a home for her, we'll take her."
And I didn't stop there...I had to add, "And we have four acres, all fenced. She'd have lots of room to run and play."
So I give Berik and Bowen's mom our phone number. Then I tell Tracy what I have done: "She's a Labradoodle. She's really cute."
Understandably Tracy thought I had lost my mind. No - I just forgot it in the car...
Anyway - over the weekend the idea started to grow on us. That was a good thing because yesterday I got a call and before you know it, Daisy is ours. Someone is very excited.
She is actually pretty cute though!
We were just wondering if Shelby was in on the decision making process. I'm thinking better you then me.
That's the same thing my sister said!
She is a really cute puppy and very good with the kids - really gentle. Seems to be pretty smart, too.
Shelby was really excited at first, but now she's not so sure about having a puppy go after her collar everytime she walks around.
Shelby does like getting to go outside to go potty twice a night, though.
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