Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Pink Dryer Lint

The women of my church threw me a baby shower for Karis, since this is the first baby that we've had since we've started attending church. It was a wonderful shower - a great time of fun and fellowship. Almost twenty people were there, including Mom and Angela, so there was quite a crowd of us.

Because we have most of the things we need from Ryan and Chase, Karis is now completely decked out for the first six to nine months of her life. She will be much more stylish than Mama this winter, that is for sure. Especially since I'll still be wearing maternity clothes and transition clothes (which I fondly call my fat clothes). Between the shower, Mama, and both Grandmas, Karis does not want for much in the clothing department.

As I was washing her clothes this weekend to get ready for her arrival, I pulled out the lint collector from the dryer and saw something I had never seen before: pink dryer lint.

The times, they are a changin'.

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